13 Ways Challenge - List 2

A list in Google docs that can be downloaded/printed here

*This list includes the original list from The New Lifetime Reading Plan book, plus the list of titles in the "Going Further" section *

Original List
  1. The Epic of Gilgamesh
  2. The Iliad - Homer
  3. The Odyssey - Homer
  4. The Analects - Confucius
  5. The Books of Moses, The Old Testament - Anonymous
  6. The Oresteia - Aeschylus
  7. Oedipus Rex - Sophocles
  8. Oedipus at Colonus - Sophocles
  9. Antigone - Sophocles
  10. Alcestis - Euripides
  11. Medea - Euripides
  12. Hippolytus - Euripides
  13. The Trojan Women - Euripides
  14. Electra - Euripides
  15. The Bacchae - Euripides
  16. The Histories - Herodotus
  17. The History of the Peloponnesian War - Thucydides
  18. The Art of War - Sun-tzu
  19. Lysistrata - Aristophanes
  20. The Clouds - Aristophanes
  21. The Birds - Aristophanes
  22. Selected Works - Plato
  23. Ethics - Aristotle
  24. Politics - Aristotle
  25. Poetics - Aristotle
  26. The Book of Mencius - Mencius
  27. Bala Kanda, Book One of The Ramayana - Anonymous
  28. Ayodhya Kanda, Book Two of The Ramayana - Anonymous
  29. Aranya Kanda, Book Three of The Ramayana - Anonymous
  30. Kishkindha Kanda, Book Four of The Ramayana - Anonymous
  31. Sundara Kanda, Book Five of The Ramayana - Anonymous
  32. Lanka Kanda, Book Six of The Ramayana - Anonymous
  33. Uttara Kanda, Book Seven of the Ramayana - Anonymous
  34. Adi Parva, Book One of The Mahabharata - Anonymous
  35. Sabha Parva, Book Two of the Mahabharata - Anonymous
  36. Vana Parva, Book Three of the Mahabharata - Anonymous
  37. The Bhagavad Gita
  38. Records of the Grand Historian - Ssu-ma Ch’ien
  39. On the Nature of Things - Lucretius
  40. The Aeneid - Virgil
  41. Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
  42. The New Testament - Anonymous
  43. The Confessions - Saint Augustine
  44. The Cloud Messenger - Kalidasa
  45. Sakuntala - Kalidasa
  46. The Koran
  47. The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch - Hui-neng
  48. Shah Nameh - Firdausi
  49. The Pillow Book - Sei Shônagon
  50. The Tale of Genji - Lady Murasaki
  51. The Rubaiyat - Omar Khayyam
  52. The Divine Comedy - Dante
  53. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Luo Kuan-chung
  54. The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer\
  55. The Thousand and One Nights
  56. The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli
  57. Gargantua and Pantagruel - François Rabelais
  58. Journey to the West - Wu Ch’eng-en
  59. Selected Essays - Michel de Montaigne
  60. Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes
  61. Complete Works - William Shakespeare
  62. Selected Works - John Donne
  63. The Plum in the Golden Vase - Chin P’ing Mei
  64. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Galileo
  65. Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes
  66. Discourse on Method - René Descartes
  67. Paradise Lost - John Milton
  68. Lycidas - John Milton
  69. On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity - John Milton
  70. Sonnets - John Milton
  71. Areopagitica - John Milton
  72. Selected Plays - Molière
  73. Thoughts (Pensées)- Blaise Pascal
  74. Pilgrim’s Progress - John Bunyan
  75. Second Treatise of Government - John Locke
  76. The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Matsuo Bashô
  77. Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
  78. Gulliver’s Travels - Jonathan Swift
  79. Candide and other works - Voltaire
  80. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding - David Hume
  81. Tom Jones - Henry Fielding
  82. The Dream of the Red Chamber (a.k.a. The Story of the Stone)- Ts’ao Hsüeh-ch’in
  83. Confessions - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  84. Tristram Shandy - Laurence Sterne
  85. The Life of Samuel Johnson - James Boswell
  86. Basic Documents in American History - Thomas Jefferson and others
  87. The Federalist Papers - Hamilton, Madison, and Jay
  88. Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  89. Selected Works - William Blake
  90. The Prelude - William Wordsworth
  91. Selected Shorter Poems - William Wordsworth
  92. Preface to the Lyrical Ballads - William Wordsworth
  93. The Ancient Mariner - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  94. Christabel - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  95. Kubla Khan - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  96. Biographia Literaria - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  97. Writings on Shakespeare - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  98. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
  99. Emma - Jane Austen
  100. The Red and the Black - Stendhal
  101. Père Goriot - Honoré de Balzac
  102. Eugénie Grandet - Honoré de Balzac
  103. Cousin Bette - Honoré de Balzac
  104. Selected Works - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  105. The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne
  106. Selected Tales - Nathaniel Hawthorne
  107. Democracy in America - Alexis de Tocqueville
  108. On Liberty - John Stuart Mill
  109. The Subjection of Women - John Stuart Mill
  110. The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin
  111. The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
  112. Dead Souls - Nikolai Gogol
  113. Short Stories and Other Works - Edgar Allan Poe
  114. Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray
  115. Pickwick Papers - Charles Dickens
  116. David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
  117. Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
  118. Hard Times - Charles Dickens
  119. Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens
  120. The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens
  121. Little Dorrit - Charles Dickens
  122. The Warden - Anthony Trollope
  123. The Last Chronicle of Barset - Anthony Trollope
  124. The Eustace Diamonds - Anthony Trollope
  125. The Way We Live Now - Anthony Trollope
  126. Autobiography - Anthony Trollope
  127. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë
  128. Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë
  129. Walden - Henry David Thoreau
  130. Civil Disobedience - Henry David Thoreau
  131. Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev
  132. The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
  133. Moby Dick - Herman Melville
  134. Bartleby the Scrivener - Herman Melville
  135. The Mill on the Floss - George Eliot
  136. Middlemarch - George Eliot
  137. Selected Poems - Walt Whitman
  138. Democratic Vistas - Walt Whitman
  139. Preface to the first issue of Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman
  140. A Backward Glance O’er Travelled Roads - Walt Whitman
  141. Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
  142. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  143. The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  144. War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy
  145. Selected Plays - Henrick Ibsen
  146. Collected Poems - Emily Dickenson
  147. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
  148. Through the Looking-Glass - Lewis Carroll
  149. Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
  150. The Education of Henry Adams - Henry Adams
  151. The Mayor of Castorbridge - Thomas Hardy
  152. The Principles of Psychology - William James
  153. Pragmatism - William James
  154. Four Essays from The Meaning of Truth - William James
  155. The Varieties of Religious Experience - William James
  156. The Ambassadors - Henry James
  157. Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  158. The Genealogy of Morals - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  159. Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  160. The Interpretation of Dreams - Sigmund Freud
  161. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality - Sigmund Freud
  162. Civilization and Its Discontents - Sigmund Freud
  163. Selected Plays and Prefaces - George Bernard Shaw
  164. Nostromo - Joseph Conrad
  165. Uncle Vanya - Anton Chekhov
  166. Three Sisters - Anton Chekhov
  167. The Cherry Orchard - Anton Chekhov
  168. Selected Short Stories - Anton Chekhov
  169. The Custom of the Country - Edith Wharton
  170. The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton
  171. The House of Mirth - Edith Wharton
  172. Collected Poems - William Butler Yeats
  173. Collected Plays - William Butler Yeats
  174. Autobiography - William Butler Yeats
  175. Kokoro - Natsume Sôseki
  176. Remembrance of Things Past - Marcel Proust
  177. Collected Poems - Robert Frost
  178. The Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann
  179. A Passage to India - E.M. Forster
  180. Collected Short Stories - Lu Hsün
  181. Ulysses - James Joyce
  182. Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
  183. To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
  184. Orlando - Virginia Woolf
  185. The Waves - Virginia Woolf
  186. The Trial - Franz Kafka
  187. The Castle - Franz Kafka
  188. Selected Short Stories - Franz Kafka
  189. Sons and Lovers - D.H. Lawrence
  190. Women in Love - D.H. Lawrence
  191. The Makioka Sisters - Junichiro Tanizaki
  192. Mourning Becomes Electra - Eugene O’Neill
  193. The Iceman Cometh - Eugene O’Neill
  194. Long Day’s Journey into Night - Eugene O’Neill
  195. Collected Poems - T.S. Eliot
  196. Collected Plays - T.S. Eliot
  197. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
  198. The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner
  199. As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner
  200. Short Stories - Ernest Hemingway
  201. Beauty and Sadness - Yasunari Kawabata
  202. Labyrinths - Jorge Luis Borges
  203. Dreamtigers - Jorge Luis Borges
  204. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
  205. Pale Fire - Vladimir Nabokov
  206. Speak, Memory - Vladimir Nabokov
  207. Animal Farm - George Orwell
  208. 1984 - George Orwell
  209. Burmese Days - George Orwell
  210. The English Teacher - R.K. Narayan
  211. The Vendor of Sweets - R.K. Narayan
  212. Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett
  213. Endgame - Samuel Beckett
  214. Krapp’s Last Tape - Samuel Beckett
  215. Collected Poems - W.H. Auden
  216. The Plague - Albert Camus
  217. The Stranger - Albert Camus
  218. The Adventures of Augie March - Saul Bellow
  219. Herzog - Saul Bellow
  220. Humboldt’s Gift - Saul Bellow
  221. The First Circle - Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
  222. Cancer Ward - Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
  223. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions - Thomas Kuhn
  224. Confessions of a Mask - Yukio Mishima
  225. The Temple of the Golden Pavilion - Yukio Mishima
  226. One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  227. Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe

    Going Further
  228. Watership Down - Richard Adams
  229. Lucky Jim - Kingsley Amis
  230. Winesburg, Ohio - Sherwood Anderson
  231. The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
  232. The Rector of Justin - Louis Auchincloss
  233. Collected Stories (1994) - Louis Auchinloss
  234. Giovanni's Room - James Baldwin
  235. The Fire Next Time - James Baldwin
  236. The Sot-weed Factor - John Barth
  237. Tidewater Tales - John Barth
  238. The Second Sex - Simone De Beauvoir
  239. The Sheltering Sky - Paul Bowles
  240. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Phillip II - Fernand Braudel
  241. Mother Courage - Berthold Brecht
  242. The Good Woman of Szechuan - Berthold Brecht
  243. The Caucasian Chalk Circle - Berthold Brecht
  244. The Threepenny Opera - Berthold Brecht
  245. The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahogany - Berthold Brecht
  246. So Forth - Joseph Brodsky
  247. The Good Earth - Pearl Buck
  248. The Master and the Margarita - Mikhail Bulgavko
  249. A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
  250. If on a Winter's Night a Traveller - Italo Calvino
  251. Other Voices, Other Rooms - Truman Capote
  252. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote
  253. In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
  254. The Sea Around Us - Rachel Carson
  255. Silent Spring - Rachel Carson
  256. My Antonia - Willa Cather
  257. Death Comes for the Archbishop - Willa Cather
  258. Shadows on the Rock - Willa Cather
  259. Collected Stories - John Cheever
  260. The Rebel Angels - Robertson Davies
  261. What's Bred in the Bone - Robertson Davies
  262. The Lyre of Orpheus - Robertson Davies
  263. Ragtime - E.L. Doctorow
  264. Sister Carrie - Theodore Dreiser
  265. American Tragedy - Theodore Dreiser
  266. The Meaning of Relativity - Albert Einstein
  267. The Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
  268. This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald
  269. The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
  270. Tender is the Night
  271. The Good Soldier - Ford Maddox Ford
  272. The Recognitions - William Gaddis
  273. J.R. - William Gaddis
  274. Collected Poems - Federico Garcia Lorca
  275. The Lord of the Flies - William Golding
  276. The Spire - William Golding
  277. I, Claudius - Robert Graves
  278. Good-Bye to All That - Robert Graves
  279. The Quiet American - Graham Greene
  280. The Heart of the Matter - Graham Greene
  281. The Good Soldier Schweik - Jaroslav Hasek
  282. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
  283. The Call - John Hersey
  284. A Bell for Adano - John Hersey
  285. Hiroshima - John Hersey
  286. The Negro Speaks of Rivers - Langston Hughes
  287. Collected Poems - Langston Hughes
  288. The World According to Garp - John Irving
  289. The Berlin Stories - Christopher Isherwood
  290. Christopher and His Kind - Christopher Isherwood
  291. From Here to Eternity - James Jones
  292. Zorba the Greek - Nikos Kazantzakis
  293. On the Road - Jack Kerouac
  294. Rickshaw - Lau Shaw (translation by Jean James)
  295. Collected Poems (1993) - Philip Larkin
  296. The Spy Who Came In From the Cold - John LeCarre
  297. Tristes Tropiques - Claude Levi-Strauss
  298. Structural Anthropology - Claude Levi-Strauss
  299. The Raw and the Cooked: Introduction to a Science of Mythology - Claude Levi-Strauss
  300. Babbitt - Sinclair Lewis
  301. Arrowsmith - Sinclair Lewis
  302. Elmer Gantry - Sinclair Lewis
  303. Dodsworth - Sinclair Lewis
  304. Changing Places - David Lodge
  305. Small World - David Lodge
  306. The Naked and the Dead - Norman Mailer
  307. The Armies of the Night - Norman Mailer
  308. The Executioner's Song - Norman Mailer
  309. Man's Fate - Andre Malraux
  310. The Group - Mary McCarthy
  311. The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter - Carson McCullers
  312. Coming of Age in Samoa - Margeret Mead
  313. Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
  314. The Crucible - Arthur Miller
  315. Song of Solomon - Toni Morrison
  316. Jazz - Toni Morrison
  317. A Severed Head - Iris Murdoch
  318. Sandcastle - Iris Murdoch
  319. The Man Without Qualities - Robert Musil
  320. Complete Stories (1971) - Flannery O'Connor
  321. Appointment at Samarra - John O'Hara
  322. The Revolt of the Masses - Jose Ortega Y Gassett
  323. Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak
  324. Life, A User's Manual - Georges Perec
  325. The Caretaker - Harold Pinter
  326. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig
  327. Personae - Ezra Pound
  328. A Dance to the Music of Time - Anthony Powell
  329. This Earth of Mankind - Pramoedya Ananta Tier
  330. Complete Collected Stories - V.S. Pritchett
  331. Excellent Women - Barbara Pym
  332. An Unsuitable Attachment - Barbara Pym
  333. Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
  334. All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
  335. Duino Elegies - Rainer Maria Rilke
  336. Sonnets to Orpheus - Rainer Maria Rilke
  337. Giants in the Earth - Ole Edvart Rolvaag
  338. Goodbye, Columbus - Philip Roth
  339. Portnoy's Complaint - Philip Roth
  340. Children of the Arbat - Anatoli Rybakov
  341. Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
  342. Franny and Zooey - J.D. Salinger
  343. Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters, and Seymour - J.D. Salinger
  344. Being and Nothingness - Jean-Paul Sartre
  345. No Exit - Jean-Paul Sartre
  346. Citizens - Simon Schama
  347. Negritude - Leopold Sedar Senghor
  348. Selected Poems - Leopold Sedar Senghor
  349. The Jungle - Upton Sinclair
  350. Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories - Isaac Bashevis Singer
  351. The Magician of Lublin - Isaac Bashevis Singer
  352. The Interpreters - Woke Soyinka
  353. Death and the King's Horsemen - Woke Soyinka
  354. The Big Rock Candy Mountain - Wallace Stegner
  355. Angle of Repose - Wallace Stegner
  356. Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
  357. The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
  358. Harmonium - Wallace Stevens
  359. Collected Poems - Wallace Stevens
  360. Eminent Victorians - Lytton Strachey
  361. Queen Victoria - Lytton Strachey
  362. Is Sex Necessary - James Thurber
  363. My Life and Hard Times - James Thurber
  364. The Hobbit - J.R.R Tolkien
  365. The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
  366. Collected Stories - William Trevor
  367. Rabbit, Run - John Updike
  368. Rabbit Redux - John Updike
  369. Rabbit is Rich - John Updike
  370. Rabbit at Rest - John Updike
  371. Myra Breckenridge - Gore Vidal
  372. Burr - Gore Vidal
  373. Omeros - Derek Walcot
  374. Collected Stories - Derek Walcot
  375. Ti-Jean and His Brothers - Derek Walcot
  376. The Double Helix - James D. Watson
  377. Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
  378. The Loved One - Evelyn Waugh
  379. Collected Stories - Eudora Welty
  380. Black Lamb and Greg Falcon - Rebecca West
  381. Voss - Patrick White
  382. Riders in the Chariot - Patrick White
  383. Our Town - Thornton Wilder
  384. The Bridge of San Luis Rey - Thornton Wilder
  385. The Glass Menagerie - Tennessee Williams
  386. A Streetcar Named Desire - Tennessee Williams
  387. Collected Poems, Volume I - William Carlos Williams
  388. Collected Poems, Volume II - William Carlos Williams
  389. Native Son - Richard Wright
  390. Black Boy - Richard Wright

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